You’ve crashed! What now?!

You’ve crashed!  What now?! Have you or a loved one recently been in a motor vehicle accident? It is normal for you to feel concerned as to what comes next and the options available to you. If you have been left injured in a motor vehicle crash in Queensland that was the fault (completely or partially) of another vehicle owner or driver, you may have a claim to make against the insurer of the vehicle that caused the crash for any injuries and economic loss that you have suffered because of those injuries. The insurer in a Motor Vehicle compensation claim is usually the Compulsory Third Party (CTP), which will cover a driver’s financial liability for the injuries of people hurt in an accident involving their vehicle. In instances where the driver who caused your accident is unidentifiable, you are not out of luck, as there are ways to still bring a successful personal injury claim for your crash. Timeframes Generally, you have nine months after the motor vehicle crash, or from the date of the first appearance of any symptoms, to make your claim. If you are under 18 years of age at the time of the crash, your nine-month time to lodge your claim commences upon your 18th birthday. However, if you engage a lawyer to manage your claim during this nine-month period, you will have to provide lodgement within one month of the beginning of engaging with that lawyer. It is important to be aware of these timeframes as your claim could be rejected if it is lodged outside these timeframes. The early lodgement of your claim will assist you being granted access to relevant treatment plans and rehabilitation sooner. Before you see a lawyer Immediately after your accident, to best help your prospective claim, you should report the incident to the police by filling out a Report of traffic incident to police form and attend your regular GP to generally assess the nature and extent of your injuries and how they may affect your ability to work in the future.  How strong is my claim? Prior to initiating a claim, it important that you are aware of the strength of your claim. A favourable motor vehicle claim has the following features: There has been a car accident with two or more parties. The accident was due to the fault of another driver. The accident has left you with serious injuries. You have calculatable losses because of your injuries, both financially and / or for your pain and suffering. Nevertheless, just because you have been in an accident does not mean that you are entitled to compensation. For example, if you were totally at fault or no-one was at fault.  If your vehicle was damaged but you have not suffered any injuries, then this would simply be a matter for your insurer to handle, rather than bringing a personal injury claim through a lawyer. What compensation will I receive? If you believe that you may have a [...]

2023-06-08T15:40:19+10:00June 6th, 2023|Insurance, Personal Injury|

From Bushfires to Floods: Understanding El Niño and La Niña

From bushfires to floods, El Niño and La Niña are two weather patterns that have the power to wreakhavoc on our planet. These phenomena may sound similar, but they are fundamentally different and havedistinct impacts on our climate, oceans, and atmospheric systems. During an El Niño event, Australia's bushfire risk skyrockets due to the hot and dry conditions. But duringa La Niña event, the eastern states of Australia are more prone to floods and heavy rainfall. Theseextreme weather events can cause massive damage to property and result in financial losses forindividuals, businesses, and insurers. The science behind it: El Niño occurs when sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean warm up, causing changes in windpatterns and atmospheric pressure. The warming usually takes place in the central and eastern Pacificand can significantly impact global weather patterns. During an El Niño event, areas like Indonesia andAustralia experience drier than usual conditions, while the western coast of South America sees moreprecipitation. From Bushfires toFloods - UnderstandingEl Niño and La Niña In contrast, La Niña is characterized by cooler than usualsea surface temperatures in the central and easternPacific. This cooling triggers changes in atmosphericpressure and wind patterns, which can also impactglobal weather patterns. During a La Niña event, we seethe opposite effects of El Niño, with wetter than usualconditions in the western Pacific and drier than usualconditions in the eastern Pacific. Apart from affecting precipitation patterns, theseweather patterns can also impact the frequency andintensity of extreme weather events. El Niño events, forinstance, are linked to an increased risk of hurricanesand tropical storms in the Atlantic Ocean. Meanwhile, LaNiña events have been associated with more frequentand severe winter storms in North America. Why should this matter to you? Understanding the differences between El Niño and LaNiña is vital for scientists and policymakers to makeaccurate weather forecasts and plan for potentialimpacts. With growing concerns about climate change,some studies suggest that global warming could lead tomore frequent and severe El Niño and La Niña events. In conclusion, while El Niño and La Niña may sound similar, they pose very different risks and havedistinct impacts on our planet. As we continue to learn more about these phenomena, it is essential tomonitor their impacts and plan for potential consequences to ensure the safety and well-being ofcommunities around the world. Governments, businesses, and individuals must be aware of theincreased risks of extreme weather events, such as floods, bushfires, and hurricanes, during El Niñoand La Niña events. By taking proactive measures to prepare for these risks, we can minimize thedamage caused by these weather patterns and protect our communities from harm. Article prepared by Carlo Gentili, Head of General Insurance, GSA Insurance Brokers.

2023-05-17T16:35:19+10:00May 17th, 2023|Insurance, Personal Injury, Property & Conveyancing|

Recognising the Volunteer Rescuers in Mining Accidents in Australia

Recognising the Volunteer Rescuers in Mining Accidents in Australia In April 2006, two miners were trapped underground in a gold mine in Beaconsfield, Tasmania. The incident garnered international attention as the world waited with bated breath to see if the miners would be rescued. The rescue operation lasted for two weeks, and it was only thanks to the tireless efforts of the rescuers that the miners were eventually freed. The miners, Todd Russell and Brant Webb, were trapped 925 meters underground when a rockfall occurred. They were stuck in a cramped space, with limited food, water, and oxygen. The situation was dire, and it seemed unlikely that they would be rescued. The rescue operation was led by the Tasmania Fire Service, with help from a team of engineers and geologists. The rescuers faced many challenges during the operation, including the risk of further rockfalls and the difficulty of reaching the trapped miners. The rescue effort was a true testament to the courage and determination of the rescuers. The Beaconsfield mine incident brought attention to the importance of safety regulations in the mining industry. The incident led to a review of safety regulations, and changes were made to ensure that similar incidents would not happen in the future. The rescue of the two miners trapped in the Beaconsfield mine was a remarkable feat of human endurance and ingenuity. The rescue operation was a collaborative effort, with people from all walks of life coming together to achieve a common goal. The bravery of the rescuers and the determination of the miners to survive in the face of such adversity is an inspiration to us all. Support for the Volunteers In Australia, personal injury compensation for SES volunteers is available through a range of schemes and programs. These programs recognise the important work done by SES volunteers and aim to support them in their time of need. One such program in Queensland is the Workers Compensation Scheme. This scheme provides compensation to SES volunteers who are injured while carrying out their duties. The compensation covers a range of costs, including medical expenses, lost income, and rehabilitation costs. Another program that provides compensation to volunteer rescuers is the Commonwealth Workers' Compensation Scheme. This scheme covers a range of workers, including those who are employed in the public sector, as well as volunteers who are engaged in certain activities. If you are a volunteer rescuer who is injured while carrying out your duties, you may be entitled to compensation under this scheme. Similarly, to be eligible for claim under these types of schemes, you must be engaged in activities that are authorised by the organisation you volunteer with. You must also have suffered a personal injury that was directly related to your volunteer work. Legal Support for Volunteers Dealing with the traumatic events can cause long term suffering for rescuers and recognising this impact and their consequences plays an important part in recovery.  Compensation also is important where this impact causes great loss. If [...]

2023-02-16T16:20:28+10:00February 16th, 2023|Insurance, Litigation, Personal Injury|

Improving Prospects of a Successful Insurance Claim

The recent catastrophic flooding in Queensland and New South Wales has had a devastating impact on both people and property over a huge portion of Australia. If you’ve been impacted by such flooding, insurers will play a pivotal role in getting you back on your feet. Insurance companies may, in natural disasters such as flooding, delay, underpay or deny valid claims made by affected individuals and businesses. It is, therefore, essential that the correct steps are taken in the moments following such an event to reduce the risk either no or adverse action being taken by insurers.

2022-07-05T11:24:08+10:00March 1st, 2022|Blog, Insurance|
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